Eyes and Nasal discharge

Dr.iCows’ Diary

Date: 28.01.2020

Case №: 09/2020

Jambo Mwalimu,

Swali. Huu ugonjwa wa vifaranga macho kufura na kupofuka, ni ugonjwa gani na unatibio aje?

(Question, which disease causes chicks eyes to swell and blindness and how is it treated?)

From: Farmer Moses County: Trans Nzoia, Kitale, Kenya


The chicken are having discharges from nose and eyes which some are swollen and cannot see. They have difficulty breathing and twisted necks and others have died.

Dear Farmer Moses,

The chicken with nasal discharges, inflammation and swelling of the eyes, swollen heads, depression, torticollis or twisting of the necks could be suffering from Pneumovirus infections or Swollen Head Syndrome- SHS which is caused by a virus. The virus is transmitted by contaminated water, equipment and personnel as well as from bird to bird. Like all other viral diseases there is no specific treatment for Pneumovirus infections.  Treatment with antibiotics can be given to control secondary bacterial infections. OTC-Plus may help.

Use of antibiotics should limited to cases that are diagnosed properly by qualified veterinary professional. It is only when bacterial infection occurs one could use antibiotics.

Affected chicken may show swelling of the periorbital and infraorbital sinuses hence the description swollen head syndrome, torticollis, depression and disorientation. And for laying birds there is marked reduction in eggs production. 

Thank You

From your friend and advisor,


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