Chick vaccines and antibiotics

Dr. iCows’ Diary

Date: 28.01.2020

Case №: 08/2020

Dear Dr, iCow,

  1. My chicks are one month and a week old. I have already vaccinated with Newcastle and Gumboro. What vaccine will I give now?
  2. Apart from vaccination what are the best antibiotics?

From: Farmer Japheth, County: Kericho, Kenya


Japheth is following the recommended vaccination program but would still want to use antibiotics to prevent diseases in his chicks. Unnecessary use of antibiotics should not be encouraged as it causes more problems when misused and instead alternatives like biosecurity, nutritional supplements and vaccines should be employed.

Dear Japheth,

Successful rearing of healthy, growing and productive chicken, from chicks to adult birds, depend on; nutritious feeds, clean fresh drinking water, observance of strict sanitary and hygienic measures in chicken house, clean feeders and drinkers which should be free of algae and moulds, keep a clean environment, and vaccinating your chicken against epidemic diseases.  The following is a basic vaccination program for some epidemic chicken diseases;

  1. Gumboro vaccine – at 10 days and 18 days of age, given in drinking water.
  2. Newcastle Disease -NCD vaccine (may be available combined with Infectious bronchitis -IB vaccine as, NCD + IB) – is given @ 21days, 8 weeks, 18 weeks, and every 3 months thereafter. Given in drinking water or through eye drops.
  3. Fowl pox vaccine given -@ 3 weeks and 6 weeks of age, and is given by a wing jab.
  4. Fowl typhoid vaccine, given – @ 8 weeks of age and is given by intramuscular injection.

Please follow the recommended chicken vaccination schedule for control and prevention against these diseases. It is the most successful method.  At the age the chicks are at now give them Fowl pox vaccine and it is administered by a vet or a paraprofessional and given by a wing jab. 

It is not advisable to keep or give antibiotics to your chicken or other livestock when there are no bacterial infections. Alternatives to antibiotics are:

i) Biosecurity measures like observing and practicing strict hygienic and sanitary measures so as to limit disease risk.

ii) Nutritional supplements like multivitamins with amino acids and electrolytes or minerals supplements to boost immunity of your livestock.

iii. Vaccines for preventable diseases.

Please note, it is better to spend more resources on hygiene, prevention and proper management, and very minimal expenses on treatment and curative medicines. It is only when bacterial infection occurs one could use antibiotics. Use of antibiotics should limited to cases that are diagnosed properly by qualified veterinary professional.

Thank you.

Your friend and advisor,

Dr. iCow

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