Blood in Calf Urine

Dr.iCow’s Diary

Date: 31.01.2019

Case №: 07/2020

Dear Dr.iCow,

Enlighten about a 2 months calf urinating blood stained urine.

From: Helen, County: Makueni, Kenya.


The young calf is taking milk and water between milk feeding. She is very active and is not showing signs of illness except there presence of blood in her urine.

Dear Helen,

Passing blood in urine in young calf can be caused by excessive intake of water. Please limit the amount of water the calf takes by ensuring that the calf does not have access to buckets and other open water containers in the compound. Make sure that she has enough water just to quench her thirst and allow her to graze with other animals. Usually this condition self corrects.

Other causes of red urine are urinary bladder and kidney infections caused by bacterial infection, formation of bladder calculi or small stones and some rat poisons.  These conditions are treated by a vet doctor.

Calves drinking a lot of water causes red  blood cells to burst and hemoglobin shows in the urine , some rat poison, and diseases like bovine viral disease.

Thank you.

From your friend and advisor,


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