Pigs Breeds


The main breeds in Kenya 

Large White

Large white sow
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya
Large white boar
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

They distinguished by their erect ears and slightly dished faces. They are long bodied with well-developed hams and fine white hair. Very prolific, late maturing with good mothering ability and can be used for pork and bacon production. Fairly hardy animal  that can withstand a wide range of climatic conditions. However the breed is very prone to sunburn because of lack of pigment on their skin and should therefore always have access to mud bath and shade. The sows normally have large litter size (10 to 12 piglets), their high milk production and for having excellent maternal instincts. They do very well in intensive production systems.

Large white are found practically in all crossbreeding and rotational breeding programmes. Sows have an enviable reputation as dams and form the foundation of the classic F1 hybrid gilt. They are the favourite breed in the country and the world over.


Landrace sow
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya
Landrace boar 
  (c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

It is a very versatile breed performing well under good management, in indoor as well as in outdoor systems. They are white in colour, have dropping ears and a straight snout. Its coat and skin color makes it prone to sunburn and they should therefore always have access to mud bath and shade.

Sows produce and rear large litters of piglets with very good daily gain ( ADG) and high lean meat content ideal for either pork or bacon production.

Duroc – (Duroc-Jersey)

Duroc sow
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya
Duroc boar
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

Durocs are golden brown to black in colour with a thick auburn coat and hard skin. They have small, slightly drooping ears. Traditionally, Durocs have been used as terminal sires (traits associated with it are quick growth, deep body, broad ham and shoulder). Its tenacity in looking after its young, combined with its docility between times, makes it an ideal candidate for an out door pig either as a sire or as a dam. It can survive in extreme cold and wet conditions. Its succulent carcass and heavy muscling makes it a very suitable pig for anything from light pork to heavy hog production. The Duroc or Duroc cross does not make a good maternal sire. Litter size is lower than that of other breeds and the boars are known to be aggressive.


Hampshire sow
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya
Hampshire boar
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

The breed has been developed in the United Stares of America and is now one of the world’s most important breeds. They are a favorite of small farmers because of their good temperament, fast growth rate and large litters usually between 8 and 14 piglets and sows make excellent mothers. It is used extensively as the sire of cross bred pigs for pork and bacon production. The Hampshire is very prolific. It produces an abundance of lean meat and has more meat than the Large white or Landrace.


Pietrain sow
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya
Pietrain boar
(c) S. Gikonyo, Kenya

This is a Belgium breed of medium size, it is white in colour with black spots. Around the black spots there are characteristic rings of light pigmentation that carries white hair. The ears are erect. The Pietrain is famous for its very high yield of lean meat but this is often associated with the presence of the halothane gene responsible for Porcine stress syndrome. It is therefore not desirable as a pure bred but used in cross bred synthetic terminal sire line.

Other pig breeds not reared in the country: Large black, Middle white, Tamworth, Welsh, Berkshire, Wessex Saddleback.

Source of breeds 

  • Mainly from Farmers Choice Ltd (a leading pork processor)
  • Replacement from own herd
  • Other small-scale breeder farmers

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