Sheep Vaccinations


It is recommended that ewes be vaccinated during late pregnancy for the colostridial diseases that most commonly affect sheep and lambs: clostridium perfringins type C & D (overeating disease) and tetanus. Clostridial diseases are caused by gram positive bacteria that are commonly present in the environment.By vaccinating the pregnant ewe, the lambs will acquire passive immunity when they drink the colostrum, the first milk produced by the ewe after lambing. In fact, a pre-lambing vaccination is the only way to protect lambs against type C and provide protection for early docking and castration, though anti-toxins can be administered to provide immediate, short-term immunity.

AgeVaccinate againstApplicationRemarks
2 weeks and above PPR (Peste des Petits Ruminants) Goat plagueS/C Properly done once in a lifetime will do.
Newborns should be vaccinated as a routine
Came to Kenya in 2006 – related to rinderpest.
If no vaccination the disease can kill all your goats and sheep.
2 weeks and aboveSheep and Goat pox S/C Annual vaccinationsIf no vaccination this disease may kill lambs and kids. In serious cases mortality may be high. 
2 weeks and above Enterotoxemia + tetanusS/C Every 6-8 months. Disease is common with lush pasturesPregnant animals should be vaccinated at least a month before giving birth.
Vaccination for tetanus should always follow tail docking
1 month and above Orf Scarification method.
If there is a risk of outbreak or
In endemic areas routine vaccination is recommended
Orf may be more common in goats due to their feeding habits as browsers of thorny bushes. Mortality of young can be high.
Repeat vaccination should be done 2-3 months after the initial one. 
The vaccine is live and can affect people, so HANDLE WITH CARE.
 Brucellosis Vaccine not available in East Africa in 2010.
1 month and aboveBlue tongueYearly vaccination of sheep with a live attenuated vaccine containing six strains of Bluetongue virus.available from KEVEVAPI, Nairobi 

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