Sheep Diseases


The Dorper are not susceptible to fly strike and fleece rot. They have a high degree of disease resistance, and the red Maasai sheep have a high tolerance/resistance to intestinal worms. Other than that several diseases in Kenya/East Africa affect sheep. To prevent the worst ones, please consult below vaccination chart and your local veterinarian. The local veterinary officers will know which diseases you should vaccinate for in your particular area.  Some of the most common disease and pest challenges are as follows:

  • Orf 
  • Bluetongue 
  • PPR (pest of small ruminants) came to Kenya in 2006 and is related to rinderpest and very deadly
  • Sheep and Goat pox
  • Enterotoxemia 
  • Tetanus 
  • Brucellosis 
  • Worms 
  • Ticks and mites – transmit diseases and weaken the animals, so should be kept below critical levels of infestation at all times

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