Quick Search Maize Pests

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Fall armyworm
Fall armyworm
Maize aphid or corn leaf aphid
Maize aphid or corn leaf aphid
Maize aphid or corn leaf aphid
Grasshoppers and locusts
Larger grain borer
Larger grain borer
Angoumois grain moth
Spider mites
White grubs
Stemborers: African maize stalkborer
Stemborers: African maize stalkborer
Stemborers: African maize stalkborer
Stemborers: Spotted stemborer
Stemborers: Spotted stemborer
Stemborers: Spotted stemborer
African bollworm
African bollworm
African armyworm
Maize ladybird beetle
Maize leafhoppers
Maize leafhoppers
Maize leafhoppers
Maize plant hopper (corn lantern fly)

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