Green Gram Rust

(Uromyces phaseoli)

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Rust on lower leaf surface of French beans. Symptoms are similar on green grams.
(c) A. M. Varela, icipe

The disease appears as circular reddish brown pustules (blisters) which appear more commonly on the underside of the leaves, less abundant on pods and sparingly on stems. When leaves are severely infected, both the surfaces are fully covered by rust pustules. Shrivelling of pods is followed by defoliation resulting in yield losses. Long distance spread of rust is by wind. Plant to plant spread is by farm tools, and moving bodies within the crop.

What to do:

  • Plant resistant varieties, if available.
  • Avoid continuous cropping with legumes.
  • Practise crop rotation with non-legumes such as cereals.

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