Green Gram Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus

Credits: Biovision Infonet

Adults of Bemisia tabaci (Rhynchota: Aleyrodidae)
(c) Stephen Ausmus, 2008, USDA

MYMV causes serious loss in pulse crops such as beans, pigeonpea, mungbean and soybean. It is transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci).

Symptoms: initially mild scattered yellow spots appear on young leaves. The spots gradually increase in size and ultimately some leaves turn completely yellow. Infected leaves also show necrotic symptoms. Diseased plants are stunted, mature late and produce very few flowers and pods. Pods of infected plants are reduced in size and turn yellow in colour.

The virus is not seed transmitted in mungbean or soybean.

What to do:

  • Plant tolerant/resistant varieties where available
  • Plant early and weed properly.
  • Control the vector (whiteflies).

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