Cabbage/Kales Brassicas Information Source Links


  • AVRDC Training Center: Cabbage
  • CAB International (2005). Crop Protection Compendium, 2005 edition. Wallingford, UK
  • Dobson, H., Cooper, J., Manyangarirwa, W., Karuma, J., Chiimba, W. (2002). Integrated Vegetable Pest Management. Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK. ISBN: 0-85954-536-9
  • East African Seed Co. Ltd. Africa’s Best Grower^s Guide 
  • Nega, E., Ulrich, R. Werner, S. und Jahn, M. (2003). Hot water treatment of vegetable seed – an alternative seed treatment method to control seed borne pathogens in organic farming. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 110(3):. 220-234.
  • Nutrition Data 
  • OISAT: Organisation for Non-Chemical Pest Management in the Tropics 
  • Varela, A.M., Seif, A. A., Lohr, B. (2003). A Guide to IPM in Brassicas Production in Eastern and Southern Africa. ICIPE Science Press, Nairobi. ISBN: 92 9064 148 7.

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