Rabbit Parasites

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

a) Ecto-parasites

These include ear mange or canker, skin mange, mites, fleas, ticks etc.

Ear Canker and Mange 

Ear Canker and Mange are caused by two types of mites – Posroptes communis var. cuniculi and Chorioptes cuniculi. The mites attack the inside of the ear and cause inflammation and severe irritation. The animal will be restless and will shake its head from side to side. It is possible that the ears will become damaged from banging against the side of the pen. This can lead to ‘cauliflower’ ear which look like bubbles under the skin on the inside of the ear. At the onset the ear will feel hot and will be painful to touch. With time, the blisters (which can be quite big) will become very hard.

Example of ear canker


  • It is essential that the mites are dealt with as mites travel from one animal to another. 
  • Ears of the entire unit should be checked at regular intervals.
  • Remove the crusts, scales with the help of cotton wool and then apply ear canker preparation (readily available in veterinary outlets). Alternatively, use ear drops. 
  • Until the mites are dealt with, the rabbit will continue to shake its head. You can easily test for them by gently inserting a cotton bud into the ear and wiping it round. If there are mites they will be stuck to the cotton bud with a brown substance. The mites look like tiny fleas. They cause a lot of distress to the rabbit and will spread if left unchecked.
  • Alternatively, dust the rabbits with recommended chemicals or try diatomite powder if available. If you keep your houses clean and dry, the risk of infestation by the above is minimalized.

Body or Skin Mange 

This is not quite as common. It is caused by one of two species of mites: Sarcoptes cuniculi and Notoedres cuniculi. The mites burrow into the skin causing intensive irritation. Scratching will cause open sores. If the disease is not treated the animal is sure to die within a few weeks. 


  • Keep the environment clean. Dirty units will harbour and encourage the spread. Hygiene cannot be emphasized enough.

b) Endo-parasites

These include Tapeworms,roundworms, etc.


  • Deworm rabbits regularly with recommended drugs which are readily available in EA. It is advisable to do this every three months. This is a good time to check the teeth. Sometimes rabbit develop crooked front teeth. This greatly inhibits their eating. The crooked teeth should be clipped with nail clippers. Be careful not to cause injury to the jaw. The best clippers are those used by vets to clip dogs nails. 
  • It is also a good time to check the claws, which tend to grow very long and sharp because the rabbit is on wire. These should also be clipped if they are too long.

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