Hives Inspection


Hive inspection should be done at least once a month in order to get acquainted with your bees. This will enable you to know:

  • When the colony needs a new queen
  • The colonies with docile bees
  • Productive colonies
  • Colonies with less tendency of swarming
  • Performance of the queen
  • Presence of pests, predators and diseases
  • Whether the honeybee colonies need supplementary feeding
  • When to make a division to form a new colony
  • When to harvest the honey

This is normally done through keeping a work-plan 

Hive inspection
(c) Mette Vaarst, Biovision

Step 6: Inspect inside the hives to see if: 

  • The bees are building combs correctly (one comb on one top bar);
  • The queen is laying enough eggs;
  • The brood nest has a closed brood area without too many empty cells in between
  • There are any leakages of water;
  • There are intruders like ants, beetles or spiders;
  • There are diseases harming the bees.

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