Information Source Links

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

  • AIRC (2003). Fruits and Vegetables Technical Handbook Second Edition (Revised). Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Production, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 6633-764-01-1
  • AVRDC International Cooperators’ Factsheet on Cucurbits.
  • Beije, C.M., Kanyangia, S.T., Muriuki, S.J.N., Otieno, E.A., Seif, A.A., Whittle, A.M. (1984). Horticultural Crops Protection Handbook.National Horticultural Research Station, Thika KEN/75/028 and KEN/80/017/
  • CAB International (2005). Crop Protection Compendium, 2005 edition. Wallingford, UK.
  • Ekesi, S., Billah, M.K. (Eds) (2006). A field guide to the management of economically important tephritid fruit flies in Africa. ICIPE. ISBN: 92-9064-179-7.
  • FAOSTAT data:
  • Gichimu, B.M, Owuor, B.O. and Dida, M.M. (2009). Comparing the yield components of three most popular commercial watermelon cultivars in Kenya with one newly introduced cultivar and one landrace. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science 1 (4): .Kambu Agricultural Information
  • Kuepper, G. (2003). Flea Beetle: Organic Control Options. NCAT Agriculture Specialist. Published ATTRA Publication # CT114. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
  • National Research Council. 2008. Lost Crops of Africa: Volume III: Fruits. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Available online:
  • Nutrition
  • Ostermann, H., Dreyer, M. (1995). Vegetables and grain legumes. In: The Neem tree Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and other meliaceous plants sources of unique natural products for integrated pest management, industry and other purposes. Edited by H. Schmutterer in collaboration with K. R. S. Ascher, M. B. Isman, M. Jacobson, C. M. Ketkar, W. Kraus, H. Rembolt, and R.C. Saxena. VCH. pp. 392-403. ISBN: 3-527-30054-6
  • Sherf, A.F., Macnab, A.A.(1986). Vegetable Diseases and Their Control. 2nd. Edition. John Wiley & Sons Inc. USA. ISBN: 0-471-05860-2
  • Summers, C.G. and Stapleton, J. J. (2002). Use of UV reflective mulch to delay the colonization and reduce the severity of Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) infestations in cucurbits. Crop Protection. Volume 21. Pages 921-928.
  • Texas A&M University (2008, July 1). Watermelon May Have Viagra-effect. Science Daily. Retrieved September 29, 2010, from
  • Wikipedia:

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