Information on Coffee Diseases

General information

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Conventional coffee plantations are generally confronted with many pests and diseases. In practice, on ecological coffee plantations, the following may be of relevance. An infestation of either pests or diseases is always an indication that the coffee eco-system is not balanced, and the causes must be investigated.

Possible causes are:

  • The site is not suitable (too low altitude, too warm, too humid, stagnant water, too dry, wrong variety)
  • Soils are degenerated and poor, lacking organic material (humus).
  • Too little diversity and too few shading trees.
  • Not following the correct succession of the forest system, the trees are too old or the wrong variety.
  • Varieties too close together, which have an identical status in the system.
  • Failure to trim the shading trees (too much shade).

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