Bagrada Bug

(Bagrada hilaris)


The adult bagrada bug (Bagrada hilaris) is typically shield-shaped, 5-7 mm long and 3-4 mm wide. The upper surface has a mixture of black, white and orange markings.
(c) F. Haas, icipe
Damage caused by the bagrada bug on cabbage
(c) B. Loehr, icipe
Eggs of the bagrada bug (much enlarged)
(c) F. Haas, icipe

It is typically shield-shaped, 5-7mm long and 3-4mm wide. The upper surface has a mixture of black, white and orange markings. Feeding by sucking by both adults and nymphs causes damage to leaves, which wilt later and dry. A heavy attack on young plants generally results in death of the plant.

What to do:

  • Crop hygiene including destruction of weeds of the family Cruciferae prevents population build-up.
  • Remove bugs by hand.

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