Vaccination Regime

Vaccination Regime

Dr. iCows’ Diary,

Oct 24th 2018

Dear Dr. iCow,

What vaccinations should I give my poultry?

From iCow Smart Farmer, Bismarck, Narok County, Kenya

Dear Bismarck,\

The following is vaccination schedule for some epidemic chicken diseases.

Young chicks at 1 day old are given Marek’s vaccine, given subcutaneously, is done at commercial hatcheries.

Gumboro vaccine @10 days of age and @ 18 days of age, given in drinking water.

Newcastle vaccine is given @21 days, 8 weeks, 18weeks and thereafter every 3 months, given in drinking water or through eye drops.

Fowl pox vaccine is given @ 3 weeks and 6 weeks and is given as a wing jab.

Fowl typhoid vaccine is given @ 8 weeks of age and given by intramuscular injection.

Please follow the recommended chicken vaccination program. Dial *285# for more on chicken vaccination. Preventive vaccination against these epidemic diseases is the most successful control method. Observe strict sanitation, hygiene and keep a clean environment. Please advise the neighbors to vaccinate their chicken and especially against Newcastle disease. 

Thank you.

Your friend and advisor, Dr. iCow.

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