Limping and pregnant

Limping and pregnant

Dr. iCow’s Diary,

Oct 25th 2018,

Dear Dr. iCow,

My Jersey cow is limping with her back left leg and will calve down next month. Her hoof is okay. What may be the problem?

Your iCow Smart Farmer, Joshua, Uasin Gishu, Kenya

Dear Joshua,

Please restrict the cow from demanding movements by confining her in an enclosure. Supplement her with mineral supplements, e.g. Vitaphos from Vet-Care which contains minerals and vitamins. This would help correct nutritional deficiencies of minerals & vitamins which can cause weak or brittle bones and or nerves problems, which could be an underlying cause of limping.

Feed the minerals by; free choice in troughs or box, mixed with concentrates or top dressed on forage.

Please provide maximum comfort with good management & nursing care like beddings of dry straw or grass which should be changed frequently, and allow free access to clean fresh drinking water throughout.

Please tell friends & farmers to dial *285# to register and join iCow.

Thank you.

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