Can I serve a one year old heifer?

Can I serve a one year old heifer?

Dr. iCows’ Diary


Dear Dr. iCow,

My young cow is now one year old. Can I serve her with a bull now?

Yours, iCow Smart Farmer, Cyrus, Kiambu County, Kenya

Dear Cyrus,

Depending on the breed of the heifer, most of them show the first signs of heat when they are between 9 and 22 months of age. It is best to wait until the heifer is at least 15 months of age before breeding her.

This allows a heifer to grow more, increase her pelvic area, gain enough condition allow her sustain self throughout gestation.

Your Friesian heifer must have gotten a very good start as she is showing signs of heat now. This is recommendable. Well done! It is advisable for her to reach to reach 350 kg (about 60% to 65% of the average mature weight of the cow herd), at first service at 13 – 14 months of age.

It is advisable to use artificial insemination and chose a bull with good, [as in low], calving-ease numbers to breed her. She would then calve at 23 – 24 months of age.

Friesian heifers calving at this age achieve the highest level of performance in milk yield, fertility and survival in their first 5 years. Fertility for maiden heifers is higher, and if she has an adequate body size, she can be given first service at 13 to 14 months of age.

 Thank you.

Your friend and advisor, Dr. iCow

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