
Dr. iCow’s Diary

16th Oct 2018


Dear Dr. iCow,

Please advise me on hand spraying of cattle to control ticks.

iCow Smart Farmer, William, Elgeyo Marakwet

Dear William,

Ticks transmit tick borne diseases, e.g. East Coast Fever – E.C.F. Anaplasmosis, Heart water, Babesiosis also called Redwater, cause irritation and damage of hides. Tick control is very important and is done by using right acaricides, and in correct concentration. This may be done by dipping in cattle dips or by spraying. There are; 

1. Amitraz basedacaricides, e.g. Triatix, Taktic, Tix-Fix and Norotraz. 

2. Synthetic pyrethroids based products, e.g. Ectomin, Decatix, Dominex, Vectocid, Grenade and Delete.

It is advisable to spray or dip your cattle at least once a week, and when the tick challenge is high, e.g. at the start of rainy season, it can be done twice a week. If hand-spaying, restrain the cow properly, to thorough soaking use 15 – 20litres of the wash per cow. Successful control of ticks using this method depends on; proper animal restrain, accurate measurement and mixing of the acaricide, use of an efficient pump, thorough application of the wash on all parts of the cow’s skin. The cow should be sprayed from the rear end working towards the head; starting with the hind legs, inside and outside, then, the udder, under the tail, the tail itself, belly, flanks, backline, front legs, shoulders, neck and the head, ending with the inside of the ears, and always spraying in an upward direction.

Thank you. Your fiend and advisor Dr. iCow

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