Chicken diseases in Africa

Dr. iCow’s Diary

16th Oct 2018

Chicken diseases in Africa

Dear Dr. iCow,

Apart from Newcastle which other disease kill chicken most in Africa?

iCow Smart Farmer, Daniel, Kericho

Dear Daniel,

There are many infectious diseases that affect and cause death in chicken like; Gumboro, Newcastle, Fowl pox, Fowl typhoid, Chronic respiratory disease, Infectious bronchitis, Aspergillosis, Coccidiosis, Marek’s disease, among others. To prevent these diseases observe strict sanitation, hygiene and keep a clean environment. Preventive vaccination against some of these epidemic diseases is the most successful control method. Young chicks at 1 day old are given Marek’s vaccine, given subcutaneously, and is done at commercial hatcheries. Other vaccines are; Gumboro vaccine @ 10 days of age and @ 18 days, given in drinking water. Newcastle vaccine given @21 days, 8weeks, and 18weeks, and 3 months thereafter, and is given in drinking water or via eye drops. Fowl pox vaccine given @3weeks and 6 weeks of age, and is given by wing jab. Fowl typhoid vaccine @ 8 weeks of age and is given by intramuscular injection. Please follow the recommended chicken vaccination program. Dial *285# for more on chicken vaccination. Please tell friends and farmers to dial *285# to register and join iCow. Visit iCow menu for much more by dialing *285# including registering your livestock with us under No. 4 Precision farming.

Thank you. 

Your friend and advisor, Dr. iCow.

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