Caring for a new calf?

Caring for a new Calf

Dr. iCows’ Diary


Dear Dr. iCow,

Please share some tips with me on how to look after a new calf.

iCow Smart Farmer, Mr. Njora from Nyeri

Dear Mr Njora,

Calves require good feeding regime & a clean environment. At birth and on standing, allow the calf to suck colostrum from the mother. Colostrum contains antibodies which give the calf immunity from the mother and is highest absorbed from birth to 4 hours, best within 12 hours, good within 24 hours, and very low after 24 hours. Colostrum ends after six milking and is rich in nutrients as it has high energy and proteins than normal milk. In week 2, the calf continue to depend on liquid diet; milk or milk replacer for growth and health, and should consume about 10% of its body weight, about 4 litres  of milk, 2 litres in the morning and 2 litres in the evening. Week 2 to week 3, introduce high quality forage which has fine texture and mixed with legumes like sweet potatoes vines. Supplement the calf with calf starter pellets at this time. Give the calf clean fresh drinking water, about 4 litres divided into 2 portions between milk feeding.  This continues for up to 6 weeks. From 6 weeks of age reduce the amount of milk, encourage taking of dry feeds, introduce mineral supplements by giving a mineral block as a background lick. Water intake increases with age, allow free access. Week 9 to 12 weeks of age wean the calf. At weaning there is withdraw of milk, which should be done gradually, e.g. to once daily, 1 litre once daily, eventually to nil so as to avoid stress and also allow her digestive system to adjust to new diet. The calf is by now dependent on other feeds. 

Your friend and advisor, Dr. iCow.

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