Tips on Planting Trees

Credit: Su Kahumbu/Biovision-Infonet

Tips on Planting Trees

Many trees and tree planting programs fail to succeed due to poor tree selection, poor planting and neglect. If you take the time to plant trees, it is really wise to figure out 4 things first.

  1. Why are you planting
  2. What are you planting
  3. Where are you planting
  4. Tree seedling after care

Why are you planting.

Trees are a huge investment in your time and resources. They can take anything from 1-40 years to grow but meanwhile they can give you multiple benefits during this period. These may include:

  1. Timber
  2. Fruit
  3. Windbreakers
  4. Conservation benefits
  5. Honey
  6. Mulch
  7. Fodder
  8. Medicine
  9. Aesthetics
  10. Fuel
  11. Shade
  12. Clean air
  13. Clouds
  14. Posts
  15. Nitrogen fixing-Soil improvers

Trees will always offer value, few if any, are useless.

Different Trees grow in different areas, and where a tree is planted in an area that it is not suitable, then it will fail to thrive. Given that tress can take a long time to grow it is really important that you minimise your risks of selecting the wrong trees before you start planting.

Given the various benefits different trees offer, it is a wise decision to select a variety of trees to grow that will give you multiple benefits over a period of time. These can be planted around the farm homestead as well as along borders of cropping blocks and timber blocks and in forests.

If you are planning on planting a timber block, your selection of trees will differ and your projections on returns of your investment will be longer term.

It is important thus to first decide on why you are planting so that you can select the best trees to grow.

What are you planting

Once you have decided why you are planting trees, the next question is the varieties you will select. This will not only depend upon the zone in which you intend to plant the trees but also the purpose, level of care and security you can provide the seedlings.

You can get expert advice from your local forestry centres or Forestry research centres in your area. On iCow you can Select My Farm>My Experts and look through the list to see if there are any experts in your location that you can contact easily through the iCow platform. You can also search for nursery sellers on iCow Soko. (Dial *285# Select 6 Soko..Kenya only)

NB: You must do all you can to ensure you are selecting trees that will grow in your area. It is pointless and a waste of investment and time in selecting and planting trees that fail to grow and remain stunted.

Where are you planting.

The decision to plant in a specific location should also be considered and matched with the type of tree and it’s purpose. If you are plating fodder trees, it makes sense to plant them near your livestock unit for ease of harvesting and carrying. If you are planting fruit tree, you would want them in a secure area from monkeys and theft. Timber trees that may require a lot of room will also need a specific area to grow. Take your time to really plan where you will plant your trees.

Tree Seedling After care.

Too many seedlings never make it past the first few months or years of their lives. Like children, young trees require attention and protection until they are established enough to manage on their own.

They need regular supplies of water and protection from being grazed or damaged by domestic livestock wildlife.

How to plant a tree

Tree seedlings are generally sold in planting bags or pots of varying sizes, depending on the type and age of the seedling.

At panting it is important to ensure that the tree seedling will be planted in an appropriate hole, with appropriate feed, water and protection.

  1. Dig a hole as deep as the rootball of your tree, that is the part of your seedling in the bag. Make the hole 2-3 times wider than the root ball.
  2. Remove the covering from around the tree seedling and lie the seedling or sapling on its side. It is likely that the roots are circular due to growing around in the tight space of the planting bag. The older the seedling/sapling is, the more circular rooting. This can be a problem as the tree grows as the roots my cut off the flow of water and nutrients to the rest of the tree. Tease open the roots and align them to grow outward from the sapling. Cut off any stubborn circular ones taking care not to cut through the main tap root.
  3. Mix the soil from the hole with equal parts of well rotted manure or compost.
  4. Hold the tree in the hole ensuring the roots will all be covered but the tree trunk will be above the soil just where the roots start.
  5. Fill in the soil and compost/manure mix around the roots and press down gently to secure the tree in position.
  6. Build up a collar above the ground around the tree trunk using soil. Make this collar shaped into a bowl. The purpose of this collar is to allow you to water the tree adequately and for the water to seep through the bowl slowly , to the roots below. The bowl like collar must be about 12 inches wide measuring out from the tree stem. (24 inch diameter)
  7. If the tree is tall you can build a protective structure around it that you may tie the tree to. This will help it grow straight.
  8. Protect the tree from domestic animals and wildlife. You can do this by wiring or shade netting a small enclosure around the tree.
  9. Water your tree the by pouring 20-30 litres of water in to the basin like collar . From now on do this once a week until your tree is established.
  10. Cover the basin around the tree with about 3-4 inches of mulch, wood shavings etc to retain moisture and prevent weeds for growing.
  11. Check on your trees every few days to see that they are doing well and that they have enough water. It is vital that you give your trees after care if you want them to survive.

Congratulations~~~~~~! It does no matter what tree you are growing, always give it the best start possible`!

Plant trees for your children and grandchildren so they may inherit a healthy planet.

Farm Smart with iCow!

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