More Trees for Eco Zone lll Lowlands

More Trees for Eco Zone lll Lowlands

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Species: Chlorophora excelsa (Mvule)

Altitude (m): 0 – 1400

Soil Type: Red clay-loamy to sandy loamy soils

Management System: Plantation/ mixed systems

End Use: Timber

Rotation: Short to long

Species: Cassia siamea

Altitude (m): 0 – 1400

Soil Type: Sandy to sandy-loam

Management System: Plantation/ mixed

End Use: Timber, fuel, fencing

Rotation: Short

Species: Brachystegia spiciformis (Mrithi)

Altitude (m): 0 – 200

Soil Type: Red loamy to clay loam sandy soils

Management System: Mixture/ enrichment/natural system

End Use: Timber, railway sleepers

Rotation: Medium to long ( 60 – 100 yrs)

Species: Brancylaena huillensis (Muhugu)

Altitude (m): 200 – 1850

Soil Type: Red loamy to clay loam sandy soils

Management System: Mixture/ enrichment natural system

End Use: Timber, fuel, carvings, construction, fencing

Rotation: Medium to long

Species: Borassus aethiopum (Borassus palm)

Altitude (m): 0 – 1400

Soil Type: Variable but mainly riparian

Management System: Mixed systems

End Use: Water conservation, palm wine, basketry

Rotation: Medium to long

Species: E. europhylla

Altitude (m): 0 – 1400

Soil Type: Sandy to clay loams

Management System: Plantation/ woodlots

End Use: Fuel, poles, posts

Rotation: Short (5 – 12 yrs)

Species: Gmelina arborea

Altitude (m): 0 – 1400

Soil Type: Sandy to sandy loam soils

Management System: Plantation

End Use: Timber, paper, match box light construction

Rotation: Short (15 – 25 yrs)

Species: T. brownii (Koloswo)

Altitude (m): 0 – 1400

Soil Type: Sandy to sandy/clay loams

Management System: Woodlots,mixed plantings

End Use: Fuel, fodder, posts

Rotation: Short

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