More Trees for Eco Zone lll Highlands

More Trees for Eco Zone lll Highland

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Species:Aberia caffra (Kei apple)

Altitude: 1400 – 2200

Soil Type: Variable soils

Management System: Hedge Management

End Use: Hedge

Rotation: Short to long

Species:Brachylaena huillensis (Muhugu)

Altitude: 200 – 1850

Soil Type: Mainly red loamy and sandy soils

Management System: Woodlot, mixed enrichment system

End Use: Timber, fencing, carving

Rotation: Medium to long(60 – 100 yrs)

Species:Juniperus procera (Cedar)

Altitude: 1500 – 300

Soil Type: Red loam to rocky shallow drained soils

Management System:Plantation/ woodlots/mixed

End Use: Timber, posts,fencing, protection

Rotation: Medium to long( 60 – 100 yrs)

Species: Macheria tippu (Tipuana tipu)

Altitude: 1600 – 2000

Soil Type: Red loams to black cotton soils

Management System:Plantation/ mixed

End Use: Timber

Rotation: Short to medium (20 – 40 yrs)

Species: Podocarpus gracillor (Podo)

Altitude: 1800 – 2400

Soil Type: Red to loamy clay and volcanic soils

Management System: Plantation/ mixed/ amenity

End Use: Timber, amenity

Rotation: Medium to long (50 – 80 yrs)

Species: Syzygium species

Altitude: 1000 – 2500

Soil Type: Swampy and riparian soils

Management System: Mixed system in water courses

End Use: Water conservation, timber

Rotation: Medium to long

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