More Trees for Eco Zone ll

Other Trees for this Eco Zone ll

Credits: Biovision-Infonet

Species:Bischofia javonica (Bischof wood)

Altitude: 1200 – 1600

Soil Type:Deep red/ loamy soils

Management System:Plantation, enrichment planting

End Use: Timber

Rotation: Short (30 – 40 yrs)

Species:Eucalyptus regnans (Mountain ash)

Altitude: 2500 – 3000

Soil Type:Deep highland forest soils

Management System:Plantation/ woodlots

End Use: Fuel, poles, building timber

Rotation: Short (4 – 6 yrs – poles) (10 -20 yrs for timber)

Species:Fagara microphylla

Altitude: 1200 – 1900

Soil Type:Deep red to sandy loamy soils

Management System:Plantation, enrichment planting system

End Use: Timber

Rotation: Short to medium (40 -80 yrs)

Species:Olea welwitchii (Elgon Teak)

Altitude: 1600 – 2400

Soil Type:Deep loamy soils

Management System:Plantation/ mixed natural systems

End Use: Timber

Rotation: Long

Species:Syzygium species

Altitude: 1000 – 2500

Soil Type:Swampy and riparian soils

Management System:Mixed systems in water courses

End Use: Water conservation timber

Rotation:Medium to long

Species:Vitex Keniensis (Meru oak)

Altitude: 1700 – 2200

Soil Type: Deep volcanic,red to loamy clay soil

Management System: Plantation/ naturalmanagement system

End Use: Timber

Rotation: 40 – 50 yrs

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