Grevillea Robusta

Species: Grevillea robusta

(c) P. Maundu, World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya

Ecology: The Grevillea robusta originated from Australian and is widely used in Africa, 0 – 3000 m.
It does well on neutral to acidic loam or light sandy soils but is not tolerant to waterlogging or heavy clays.
Found in Ecozones II – V

Management System: The Grevillea .spp may be found in;
Hedge planting, 
Agroforestry (coexisting with food-crops),
Woodlot and,
Shelterbelt system

Tree Management: The Grevillea .spp may be propagated by use of wildings or seedlings. 
Pollarding, lopping, coppicing and pruning optimizes their benefits if used in their management.
Note: Only young trees coppice well
Maturity takes 6 yrs for poles and 30 yrs for timber

End Use: Firewood, charcoal, timber, furniture, poles, veneer, fodder (leaves low quality), bee forage,shade, ornamental, mulch, soil conservation and, windbreak

Remarks: Some communities believe the species attracts lightning in homesteads. However, it is an extremely important tree in the Kenyan highlands and has become an integral part of the farming system in many areas.

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