Croton megalocarpus (Mukinduri)

Croton megalocarpus Credit: Su Kahumbu
Leaves of croton
Croton in flower
Croton Seeds

Ecology: Found in Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya, Congo (DRC), Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique. In Kenya is wide spread, from the south to the western and northern parts of the country. Found in Ecozones III-IV but very common in zone III, 1000 – 2000 m above sea level and is well adapted to variable highland soils

Management System: It may occur in mixed farming systems, woodlots, boundaries and, agroforestry systems

Tree Management: It may be propagated by direct sowing at site (recommended), seedlings (sow seed directly in pots) or wilding.
It’s fast growing in high potential areas, slow elsewhere; lopping, pollarding and coppicing may be employed.It takes 10 to 25 years to mature.

End Use: Firewood (smoke may irritate eyes), timber, charcoal, poles, medicine (bark), bee forage, shade, ornamental, mulch, live fence, boundary planting (popular among Kikuyu) and, veterinary medicine

Remarks: Seed has high oil (30%) and protein content(50%). Oil extract can be a strong purgative. It is not recommended for intercropping due to competition and shade. Cultural beliefs prevent it from being planted close to homes

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