Damping -off Disease

Damping-off diseases (Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia solani)

Credit: Biovision-Infonet

Tomato Rhizoctonia stem rot
(c) A.A. Seif
Tomato nursery damping-off 
(c) A.A. Seif

Damping-off can occur when seedlings die before they have pushed through the soil, resulting in patches that appear to have germinated poorly. Alternatively, seedlings may emerge but fall over and die some time afterwards. The base of stem of affected seedlings become wet and brown. These disease-causing fungi are common in moist soils. They can also be transmitted on seeds.

What to do:
Use certified disease-free seeds. If it is farmer-saved
seed, it can be given hot water treatment.
Do not site seedbed on a field previously planted with
brinjals (eggplants), pepper, potatoes or tomatoes.
Solarisation of seedbed should be done where feasible.
Avoid excessive watering.

In Coffee

Damping-off affects coffee-seedlings in nurseries. 

It should not be a problem in well-maintained coffee nurseries. Factors that predispose plants to attack include over watering, over shading and acid soil.What to do:

  • Practice proper irrigation, avoid planting in wet, cold soils. Avoid over watering of seed beds
  • Drench with 0.5% copper solution
  • Use certified disease-free seeds. If using own seed, treat seeds with hot-water, if necessary.

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