Pesticides banned in the EU

Pesticides banned in the EU


This active ingredient has been listed and banned as carcinogen in the EU. 

Carcinogenicity is the ability to induce tumors, (benign or malignant) or increase their incidence or malignancy or to shorten the time of their occurrence when the chemical is inhaled, ingested, dermally applied, or injected.

Active ingredients

  1. Chlorothalonil,
  2. Clodinafop,
  3. Fenchlorazole,
  4. Oxyfluorfen, 
  5. Permethrin, 
  6. Pymetrozine


This active ingredient has been listed and banned as mutagen in the EU. 

Mutagenicity-is the permanent damage of hereditary DNA material -sperm or egg- or critical cells like blood, skin and lymph, resulting in various cancers and hereditary diseased across familial lines. 

Active ingredients

  1. Dichloropropene,
  2. Carbendazim,
  3. Dichlorvos,
  4. Thiophanate-methyl,
  5. Trichlorfon 

Development reproduction toxins

This active ingredient has been listed and banned as Development / Reproduction toxin in the EU. 

Development reproduction toxins impact sexual function/fertility- decrease sperm count, increase testicular cancer, and lead to malformations in male genitalia and feminization in adult as well as malformed offspring.

Active ingredients

  1. Abamectin, 
  2. Carbendazim, 
  3. Carbofuran,
  4. Chlorothalonil,
  5. Chlorpyrifos,
  6. Dimethoate,
  7. Gamma-cyhalotrin,
  8. Glufosinate-ammonium, 
  9. Imidacloprid,
  10. Mancozeb,
  11. Oxydemeton-methyl,
  12. Permethrin,
  13. Tebuconazole,
  14. Thiacloprid, 
  15. 2,4-D-Amine

Endocrine disrupters

This active ingredient has been listed and banned as endocrine disrupter in the EU.

The endocrine or gland-system produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, sexual reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things.

Active ingredients

  1. Acephate
  2. Bifenthrin
  3. Carbaryl,
  4. Carbofuran,
  5. Deltamethrin
  6. Fenitrothion
  7. Flubendiamide
  8. Flufenoxuron
  9. Omethoate
  10. Permethrin
  11. Thiacloprid


This active ingredient has been listed and banned as a Neurotoxin in the EU.

Neurotoxins affect the chemistry, structure or function of the brain, the spinal cord and nerves and sensory organs that control major body organs and functions.

Active ingredients

  1. Abamectin
  2. Acephate
  3. Chlorpyrifos
  4. Dichlorvos
  5. Deltamethrin
  6. Gamma-cyhalothrin
  7. Glufosinate-ammonium, 
  8. Omethoate
  9. Oxydemethon-methyl
  10. Malathion
  11. Permethrin
  12. Thiacloprid
  13. Trichlorfon
  14. 2,4-D-Amine

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