Ch 13: Pesticide contamination of the environment- water, soil, air and food.

Some pesticides survive in the environment longer than others and do not breakdown for a considerable period of time. They can be transported by water and air over long distances. This ability is called“persistence”. Persistent pesticides tend to bioaccumulate in animals and humans and thus biomagnify (i.e. they concentrate as they move from one trophic level7 to the next) in the food chain.

Environmental and social issues related to pesticide exposure includes:

  • Contamination of drinking water, river systems, groundwater and aquifers
  • Poisoning of fish and other aquatic organisms and biodiversity loss
  • Long-term persistence in soils impacting rotational crops and beneficial soily organisms and loss of ecosystem services
  • Poisoning of wildlife (including birds and bees) and biodiversity lossy 
  • Poisoning or contamination of livestock
  • Reducing populations of pollinating insects important for crop yieldy 
  • Air pollution
  • Acute and chronic hazards to human health (farmers, rural communities and consumers)

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